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Meet The Team

Keith Bates – Chief Executive Officer

Keith Bates has been at the forefront of the technology industry for 25 years and is a co-founder of Cloud Computing Centre. As CEO, Keith oversees the strategic planning and direction of the company.


Alan Gill – Chief Technical Officer

Alan has been in the technology industry for over 23 years and Joined Cloud Computing Centre as CTO in June 2005.

Alan has worked extensively in the systems integration market having attained all of the major industry IT qualifications from a Novell CNE, Redhat Linux RHCE to Microsoft MSCE at some time during his career.

Alan was one of the founding members of Lanlogic Computer Systems and 365ITLive, companies focused on providing professional services for organisations such as Dell Computers.


Simon Gurney - Chief Financial Officer

Simon joined Cloud Computing Centre as CFO in 2000. Simon is responsible for overseeing day-to-day financial operations, legal and investor relations.

Simon is a proven financial accounting professional bringing over 20 years of extensive financial, company start-up, venture capital and general management experience to Cloud Computing Centre.


John O’Neill - Non Exec Director

With consultancies and investments in several businesses John is involved in some sales activities within Cloud, specialising in the partner arena.

His history as MD of Avenue Legal Systems (sold 2001), GOWI (sold 2007) and currently Strictly Education Ltd gives him a good insight to those companies thinking about the commercial implications of going into the cloud. He is also a non exec for Legal IT and Concept Integrated Systems.

The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Computing for Business Leaders


This free eBook sets out to explain Cloud Computing in terms that make sense to business decision makers.

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