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Cloud Computing White Papers

Moving from On Premise to the Cloud - the Importance of Partnership

Extract from the whitepaper:
"Moving to the cloud is undoubtedly an essential consideration for any IT provider looking to build a robust, long term business model. But it is not a decision to be made lightly. It is complicated, and rife with opportunities for mistake – from business model to infrastructure requirements. While there are numerous organisations offering data centre services, simply purchasing access to cheap server farms and leased lines does not represent a viable cloud computing strategy."

Download a copy of Moving from On Premise to the Cloud - the Importance of Partnership.

Solutions in the Cloud vs On Premise Software Solutions

Extract from the whitepaper:
"An important shift is taking place in the way companies want to buy software and in the way that software vendors want to supply it. The traditional model of software deployment, where the customer acquires a license and assumes responsibility for the software and hardware implementation and ongoing management, (On-Premise) has many disadvantages for end users. Increasing dissatisfaction with the costs, internal resources, IT complexities, and length of time that it takes to recognise value from their investments have pushed companies and their software buyers to demand alternative models of software delivery."

Download a copy of Solutions in the Cloud vs On Premise Software Solutions.

The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Computing for Business Leaders


This free eBook sets out to explain Cloud Computing in terms that make sense to business decision makers.

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