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Private Cloud Services

Private Cloud Services Overview

Cloud Computing Centre's private cloud service provides your business with a dedicated infrastructure hosted within our secure, highly available data-centres.

This solution is ideal for businesses with systems that require stringent infrastructure specifications. These systems typically either place a high demand on the underlying technology needed to support that system or host sensitive data meaning they have significant security requirements.

Our Approach to Delivering Private Cloud Services and Benefits

Our consultants will work with you to establish your technical requirements from both a resource and business perspective. We will then work with you to design, implement and manage the optimum cloud solution for your business.

Our private cloud service allows you ultimate control of the level of security required for your infrastructure and keenest attention to the computing demands of your systems within a framework dedicated to your businesses requirements.

Our private cloud solution will also give you the ability to visit and approve our UK data centres where your applications and data will reside in order to carry out an onsite inspection.

We are so confident in our private cloud services and benefits that we actually offer a FREE 'Proof of Concept' to businesses seeking to move their systems into the cloud.

Private Cloud Service Benefits

  • Cost: Our private cloud service provides access to state of the art, dedicated cloud computing technology without the need for capital expenditure on your building your own data centre and acquiring the necessary technology to run your systems. Because your private cloud computing is provided as a service, pricing is fixed at a monthly cost for the duration of the contract.
  • Security: We take security seriously. Our data centres are highly secure and operated within the parameters of ISO27001. Our private cloud service allows you to specify the level of security required for your systems.
  • Stability: We provide peace of mind that your systems are hosted on robust, state of the art infrastructure backed by guaranteed SLA's on both uptime and resource demand backed up by our 24/7 technical support.
  • Availability: Cloud Computing Centre offers options for high availability by replicating systems between our data centres should very high levels of availability be required.
  • Business Focus: By outsourcing your systems to the cloud you are not only streamlining your IT but also providing your IT staff with the room to focus on their core objectives giving you the ability to focus on your business.
  • Flexibility: Our private cloud service is completely scalable and we can scale up or down in line with the requirements of your business.

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